Semester Time Strategies

 How Checklists Train Your Brain To Be More Productive And Goal-Oriented by Lauren Marchese

This article was all about dopamine. Where it's released, when it's released, what it does. Having a major in the biology/chemistry subjects, I am very familiar with dopamine and the effects it has on our actions. Marchese really surrounds the article that creating an interest in something, our body is releasing dopamine to give us that pleasureful feeling. That's what happens when we click that "X" in our top left (or right) screen at the end of the day, see that green check mark, get that anticipated notification, etc. Our body gets a wave of pleasure and ease. As humans we are wired to crave that pleasure and ease; we crave dopamine! Marchese argues we should create our checklists to keep ourselves in line, tame our body to essentially crave finishing these tasks, to ultimately get that dopamine. 

The neurotransmitter molecule dopamine. Wikimedia


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