Feedback Thoughts
Neil Gaiman's Advice on the Creative Life
It's an incredibly reflective idea, for the lack of a better word, to realize how modern day students are so worried about making mistakes in order to "be perfect". I often think of my next few years of having to be near perfect in order to succeed and get to the places I want to be in my future. It's a crazy turn of events to be told, "No, make mistakes, and make a lot of them". But, it makes sense. Kind of piggy backing off what Gaiman has to say, simply live your life! Don't think twice on what you're going to do, because after all, second thoughts are what hold you back from making mistakes. Don't live so carelessly that you're making a fool of yourself, but live efficient and accurate, and the mistakes you encounter will only cause you to grow in the long run.
A fixed mindset that could be holding you back
I'm so happy I chose to read this article because it's playing right along with what I just talked about in the above paragraph. They even have a subtopic on the life of physicians. While I'm not a physician, and with that even further from even being in medical school, it still spoke to me because of the feeling of needing to be "perfect". This article is all about changing how you think, and I like that because changing things up causes a more reflective/examined thought process. Push the limit in certain instances of practice/less intense situations, that way when the real deal comes, you're prepared.
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