Week 11 Story: The "Impossible" Rainbow Road

Check out my latest story on my portfolio page. Link

A Captured Image of the Deadly Rainbow Road. Flickr

Author's Note:

I really wanted to capture the overall moral/storyline from one of the stories in this week 11's reading. The story comes from the "Jataka Tales" by Ellen C. Babbitt with the co-title "The Sandy Road." I wanted to recreate one of Babbitt's stories that I could add into my project with my own Super Mario Brothers twist to it. When reading through the Jataka Tales, I was reading with ideas in mind of translating a certain story to fit a need in my project, and "The Sandy Road" did just that. In the original, the merchant orders his traveling group to dump out the water with the thought of it being their last night of travel. I simply didn't add this aspect, but instead adopted the travel by night and rest by day. If one has ever played Mario Kart, they know how utterly frustrating and "seemingly never ending" the course Rainbow Road can be. I added in my own twist of the "trance" a traveller comes into when light shines on Rainbow Road. If you have never heard of or played Rainbow Road on Mario Kart, here is a link that depicts how extremely difficult the track is! 


Jataka Tales: The Sandy Road by Ellen C. Babbitt


  1. Hi Preston! I really enjoyed reading this story from your portfolio. I was instantly intrigued when I saw it had to do with Mario, and had a lot of fun reading it and comparing it to your original story. You definitely did a good job of depicting how horrible Rainbow Road is, especially for those of us who have played the game I feel like this was a great comparison.


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