
Showing posts from March, 2021

Week 8 Progress

 At the moment I have a total of 194 points in canvas right now, which puts me at a B range if I were to finish the semester with the strict 30 points a week. Given this class has a large amount of extra credit I'm confident in myself to do as many as I can in order to hit that 410 point mark at the end of the semester. My biggest change looking back and forward is not letting myself put assignments off in this class and just getting them done when I have the chance! If I do that I think it will benefit me in the long run. End grade goal.  Flickr

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

 Beginning with the feedback in I would say all the comments on my wall have been instructive criticism where other students have given their opinions and their sense into what could possibly make for a better blog. When I rate the feedback I give out, I would have to say the same, but it's also on the same track of my last post with my story reviews. I haven't completed nearly as many comments on my peers walls because of all I have to complete aside from this class. I realize comments are probably the easier assignment and it's truly coming out of laziness, so from now on I really need to hone in and complete my comment assignments. Given this class is all online and our blogs are the only way in order to get to know everyone, I feel like I am able to do so to the best of my ability. My introduction is exactly where I want it to be and I feel that the introductions I've read for my peers that I'm getting a subtle grasp of who they are as people.   I chose this opt...

Week 8 Reading and Writing

First of all I want to talk about how much I enjoyed the Ramayana. The plot had my attention right off the bat when introducing Ravana the demon with 10 faces. It truly gave me a sense of childhood from reading and watching mythological type books and shows respectively. I have no complaints from the Mahabharata because I enjoyed it very much so as well, but the Ramayana was definitely my favorite overall. When writing my reading notes I've taken an approach in summarizing as much as I could with the occasional opinion or two thrown in. Doing this has allowed me to not only get the gist of the epic, but also be able to code in my head what happened through my opinions. When it comes to the story assignments, I feel the stories I've written have been good and creative on my part. However, I've missed several of the assignments I believe. This is simply from me being too ambitious with what I out on my plate this semester and is definitely something I need to provide more tim...

Reading Notes: Tiny Tales from the Mahabharata Part D

I was pretty upset from the death of Bhima's son, Ghatotkacha. The Ramayana mentioned rakshasas a couple of times, but in the Mahabharata, they play a huge role in the war against the Kauravas. Arjuna, being one of the 5 Pandava brothers, was who Karna had planned to use his mighty spear weapon against. It was special because it could only be used once, and if a direct hit, would fatally injure someone. However, Karna was forced to use this godly weapon against Ghatotkacha, so we can see how much of a warrior he really is to represent in this epic. He reminds me of Hanuman in the Ramayana, because he's a loyal character that holds an immense amount of power and without him much of what the Pandavas are able to accomplish wouldn't be possible without him. I also remember reading about Ghatotkacha earlier this semester from a storybook, and from there had that tie to him. There's a bit of revenge later in this section when Arjuna kills Karna. This wasn't so satisfying...

Reading Notes: Tiny Tales from the Mahabharata Part C

 Arjuna finally rejoined his brothers in the wilderness. They were gathering weapons all of this time. These weapons were spectacular, and Duryodhana had heard about the brothers magnificent successes in the forest, but this still didn't worry him. He was still a ruler and still had the upper hand by not being banished to the wilderness. This kind of reminds me of typical society these days. Especially when talking about socioeconomic status in America since the Civil War and and Reconstruction Era. While there was all are thought to be free and equal in this day and age, no one can forget about the upper hand the majority of Americans have on minorities because of in a way being "banished" like the Pandavas were in the Mahabharata. The Pandavas return to civilization, but as the banishment said, they were to return on their 12th year in disguise and remain in that disguise for another full year. If they were discovered on that 13th year, then they would be exiled all ove...

Week 6 Story: Mickey Mouse with a Twist

Mickey Mouse, "the destroyer" was happily married to Minnie Mouse. However, Mickey simply did not want to have children at the time. This simply broke Minnie's heart, because she loved Mickey and she wanted to carry on the "Mouse" last name. However, Mickey had a long trip planned around the universe. He loved traveling to different to different galaxies, meeting new rulers, and forming alliances in different worlds. Minnie one morning when Mickey was on his adventure decided to create a son all by herself from scratch. She spent hours on the project, and finally she created it, her and Mickey's first son, Pluto. Pluto was the cutest mouse in the entire kingdom. Minnie was so proud of him, that she puts him at the gate to guard the kingdom. She orders Pluto to guard the gate and to not let ANYONE in at any cost.  As Pluto was guarding the gate one morning with some great audacity, Mickey comes back from exploring the Universe. He was tired, hungry, and wante...

Reading Notes: Tiny Tales from the Mahabharata Part B

King Drupada holds a Swayamvara for his fire born daughter, Draupadi. The five brothers, known as the Pandavas, appear at the Swayamvara disguised as brahmins. Brahmins are the highest member of the caste system in Hinduism. That being said, the Pandavas are disguising themselves as priests and teachers and competing for princess Draupadi. The give brothers though, are all to marry princess Draupadi and share her. This makes King Dhritarashtra a bit uneasy, so he invites the 5 brothers to his kingdom once agian. When the brothers arrive, he divides his kingdom and gives them an entire half. This other half wasn't great though since it was barren. The brothers decide to turn this barren land into a beautiful kingdom named Indraprastha.  The Pandavas lose a game to Shakuni. They are to be exiled into the wilderness for 12 years now. Once they return, they must stay in disguise for a year more. If they are found in this year while in disguise, then they will be exiled for yet another ...

Reading Notes: Tiny Tales from the Mahabharata Part A

 Thy tiny tails begin rather quickly once Vyasa seeks a scribe, which was Ganesha. Ganesha wrote down everything he could comprehend from Vyasa, evening when his pen broke. In order to write he broke off one of his elephant tusks in order to write. Then the whole story turns around beginning with King Shantanu. He has a son with Ganga who kills their first seven children until it comes to Devavrata, which King Shantanu names his heir to the throne after Ganga leaves him.  King Shantanu marries again, a woman named Satyavati, who was conceived inside of a fish. Together Shantanu and Satyavati bare two sons, Chitrangada and Vichitravirya. In order for this his first son Devavrata to promise never to marry or bare any sons. Because of this his new name was Bhishma and was granted eternal life.  Chitrangada eventually dies in battle but Vichitravirya is much too young to find a wife or have sons with her. Bhishma takes this into his own hands and brings back Amba, Ambika, and...

Reading Notes: Tiny Tales Ramayana Part D EXTRA CREDIT MAKEUP

 The first few stories of part D of the Tiny Tales Ramayana contain some battle scenes of some key deaths from the other side (Ravana's side). Upon waking Kumbhakarna and marching into battle initially created a large amount of damage in battle, "grabbing monkey and bears by the handful and devouring them". He eventually met his fate though once Rama slayed him in battle with his arrow. Next to die on Ravana's side was Indrajit at the hands of Lakshmana. Finally it was Taranisen, the son of Vibhishana at the hand of Rama.  Finally, Ravana has had enough withe constant losses to Rama. He decides to meet him in battle to end this once and for all. The true victor must be crowned soon. It ends with Ravana dying from one of Rama's arrows. He does not die in vein though, and Rama makes sure of this. He dies as a great warrior honored with respect. Sita then confronts Rama, but Rama does not have her since she has lived in another mans home for this time. In order to pr...

Comment Wall

Portfolio Link : Mario after he wins the battle to take Princess Peach back.